Penang Halal International (PHI)

About Us

Penang Halal International (PHI) is the state government agency responsible for the promotion of the Halal business ecosystem in the state of Penang in Malaysia.

On the first pillar, PHI prepares platforms for Penang entrepreneurs to ply their trade, namely the Penang International Halal Food & Heritage Festival (PIH2F) meant for domestic-ready B2C players, and the Penang International Halal Expo & Conference (PIHEC) for export-ready B2B players. In addition to that, the Halal Penang channel was established to map and promote Halal food outlets in Penang to domestic and international tourists who are looking for Halal food options (you can find Halal Penang on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube). In terms of growth path, PHI provides its Pathway Program to entrepreneurs to map their growth journey from a small domestic player into an export-ready business through a mixture of capacity-building training, milestone funding and business-matching programs.

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The second pillar involves a combination of tax incentives, conducive policies and concessions to foreign investors keen on making Penang into its regional distribution centre for Halal products in the ASEAN region. Penang already has various industrial parks located in the main land and the island catering for Halal players, with the Penang Halal Industrial Park (PHIP) located in the south of Penang Science Park (PSP) in Bukit Minyak. This area has already been accorded the HALMAS status from the Halal Development Corporation (HDC), enabling the tax exemption status for Halal players for 10 years, exemption from import duty on equipment, components and machinery, and many more.

The third pillar focuses on the importance of digitalisation to bring the global Halal sector to new heights. As it currently stands, the global Halal industry is worth USD2.8 trillion today and is set to expand to USD5 trillion by 2030. In order to ensure the growth is on track by 2030, the Halal sector must digitalise urgently, which includes being able to capture volumes of data, best practices and innovative ideas on big data platforms and digital channels. Towards that end, PHI establishes the Business Dialogue Series (BDS), a business and tech-focused podcast series which focuses on the world of business and technology, hosting conversations with thought leaders, captains of industry, entrepreneurs, policymakers, futurists, technologists and academicians. This is to facilitate Halal sector players from embracing new ideas and trends to grow their businesses better, and enhance the overall framework of the industry in many years ahead.

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Mission & Vision

Every organisation has a set of principles that shapes their mission and vision to achieve their organisational target. PHI embraces these mission and vision principles to guide it towards achieving their goals within the Halal industry

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Our Vision

To be the premier development partner in developing a sustainable Halal business ecosystem in Malaysia.

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Our Values

PHI embodies 6 important values to guide our long-term strategy ahead.


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Our Mission

To lead and nurture local Halal industry players into accountable and progressive market leaders, and to facilitate in developing their Halal Businesses within and beyond national borders.

To cultivate an advanced halal consumer lifestyle locally and globally.

To promote Penang as a Halal Gateway for the East and position it in the center of the global supply and value chains.

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The History About PHI

Penang Halal International began as Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) in 2008, to harness the potential of the burgeoning global Halal market as a new growth sector to add into the portfolio of economic sectors within the Penang economy. It was established by the then Chief Minister of Penang, YB Lim Guan Eng, with the appointment of YB Dato’ Abdul Malik Abul Kassim as its first Chairman.

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Since its inception, it has grown from strength to strength in achieving major milestones in promoting Penang as a Halal investment destination, namely in the establishment of the Penang Halal Park on 131 acres of industrial land at the Penang Science Park, the convening of the Penang International Halal Expo & Conference (PIHEC) and building a strong network of businesses locally and internationally.

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In 2020,the organisation changed its name to Penang Halal International to reflect its new twofold strategy approach of capacity building of local Halal players for export on one hand, and to promote Penang as a Halal investment destination on the other. PHI aims to become the preferred partner for Halal inward and outward expansion, targeting both the domestic and international sectors.

PHI Strategic Focus Areas

In addition to PHI’s core services to our members and the Halal community as a whole, PHI aims to tackle these strategic focus areas, through partnerships and high-level dialogues, to propel the Halal industry to new heights in a technology-driven future.

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World Class Business Leadership & Export Readiness

As the world is vastly changing, the Halal industry needs to tap into new ideas and best practices in business leadership, as well as new frameworks for export in light of changing dynamics in the logistics sector post-Covid 19 pandemic.

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World Class Business Leadership & Export Readiness

As the world is vastly changing, the Halal industry needs to tap into new ideas and best practices in business leadership, as well as new frameworks for export in light of changing dynamics in the logistics sector post-Covid 19 pandemic.

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Innovative Financing, DeFi & Fintech for Halal

Halal financing can be a costly venture and current financial frameworks might pose a high risk for SMEs and startups to start their Halal business. New financing technologies are coming to the fore and it is high time for Halal businesses to tap into these promising platforms to enhance their business financing.

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Innovative Financing, DeFi & Fintech for Halal

Halal financing can be a costly venture and current financial frameworks might pose a high risk for SMEs and startups to start their Halal business. New financing technologies are coming to the fore and it is high time for Halal businesses to tap into these promising platforms to enhance their business financing.

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New Halal Growth Sectors

Halal has been traditionally confined to F&B, cosmetics, tourism, fashion, health and pharmaceutical products, but as the world changes, more new and promising sectors are emerging that could bring a whole new dimension for the Halal sector such as Halal entertainment, NFTs and the metaverse.

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New Halal Growth Sectors

Halal has been traditionally confined to F&B, cosmetics, tourism, fashion, health and pharmaceutical products, but as the world changes, more new and promising sectors are emerging that could bring a whole new dimension for the Halal sector such as Halal entertainment, NFTs and the metaverse.

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Future of Food and New Protein Sources

Current food production practices are putting significant pressure on our finite water resources and increasing the acidity level of our soil for agriculture. If we go along this path longer, we are bound to face a chronic shortage of nutrients in our food, and deprive ourselves of quality protein for mental and physical growth. New ways of production and new sources of nutrients should be explored to minimize wastage and maintain our current need for nutrients in our daily diet.

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Future of Food and New Protein Sources

Current food production practices are putting significant pressure on our finite water resources and increasing the acidity level of our soil for agriculture. If we go along this path longer, we are bound to face a chronic shortage of nutrients in our food, and deprive ourselves of quality protein for mental and physical growth. New ways of production and new sources of nutrients should be explored to minimize wastage and maintain our current need for nutrients in our daily diet.

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Climate Change, Food Security and Sustainable Food Practices

The world population is set to grow from 7.9 billion in 2019 to 10 billion people in 2050. Our global food consumption has increased exponentially, relying dangerously on only 4 main crops to feed the global population – corn, rice, wheat and soy. If the current climate change effects destroy one of these crops, most of which are not drought resistant, we will have a severe famine of serious proportions.  The Halal industry should be the leader in introducing a new global food menu to diversify its crop production, focusing on the cultivation of alternative crops such as bulgur, sorghum and moringa for new industry demands.

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Climate Change, Food Security and Sustainable Food Practices

The world population is set to grow from 7.9 billion in 2019 to 10 billion people in 2050. Our global food consumption has increased exponentially, relying dangerously on only 4 main crops to feed the global population – corn, rice, wheat and soy. If the current climate change effects destroy one of these crops, most of which are not drought resistant, we will have a severe famine of serious proportions.  The Halal industry should be the leader in introducing a new global food menu to diversify its crop production, focusing on the cultivation of alternative crops such as bulgur, sorghum and moringa for new industry demands.

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360° Halal from Farm to Fork

Part of the appeal of Halal is its image as healthy and safe food for consumption. But in reality, some processes of Halal do not render the final product as healthy and safe. Halal should grow beyond just slaughtering and cleanliness, to livestock welfare and nutrition, chemicals and hormones, food preparation practices, financing and so on. The Halal industry should focus on these areas to enlarge its appeal to a broader customer base around the world.

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360° Halal from Farm to Fork

Part of the appeal of Halal is its image as healthy and safe food for consumption. But in reality, some processes of Halal do not render the final product as healthy and safe. Halal should grow beyond just slaughtering and cleanliness, to livestock welfare and nutrition, chemicals and hormones, food preparation practices, financing and so on. The Halal industry should focus on these areas to enlarge its appeal to a broader customer base around the world.

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PHI Organisation Chart

PHI Board of Directors

The PHI Board of Directors brings a diverse range of experience and industry knowledge to the task of governing PHI. The Board oversees the direction and execution of PHI’s purpose and advocates the vision and strategic direction established by the PHI Management team.

prof mat-01

YB Dato' Dr. Mohamad bin Abdul Hamid


Deputy Chief Minister I of Penang


YB Tn. Fahmi bin


Penang State Exco for Agrotechnology, Food Security and Cooperative Development




Penang State Exco for Trade, Entrepreneurial Development and Rural Development

puan zabidah

YB dato' zabidah
binti safar


Penang State Financial Officer


Ybhg. Dato' Mohd Zakuan
BIN Haji Zakaria


Penang Deputy State Secretary



dato zamri 1-05



Datuk Ridzwan
bin Bakar

zainuddin 1-08

En. Zainuddin
BIN Mohamed


En. Ariffin
bin Saidin


En. Abdul Razak
bin Sulaiman


PHI Management Team

The PHI Management Team serves as an administrative and executive body that manages the day-to-day operations of PHI and ensuring that its strategy are well-aligned with its programs and activities.


Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
kerel 1-01-01

Mohamad Khairil
Bin Ahmad


Bt Basri

Penolong Pengurus Pentadbiran & Kewangan

Bt Hassan

Penolong Pengurus Operasi

muhammad amir asyraf
bin sabri

Penolong Pengurus Pemasaran & Acara

Siti Nur Syafiqah
Bt Maziduddin


Bt Roslin @ Ayu

Eksekutif Kanan Kewangan

Bt Gunawan

Eksekutif Kanan Pentadbiran

Muhammad Irsyad
Bin Kamaruzzaman

Eksekutif Kanan Komunikasi Korporat & Inovasi Digital

Muhammad Amir
Bin Subri

Pegawai Kanan Pentadbiran
shahidah 1-01-01

nur shahidah
Syed Mohamed

Pegawai Media
Muhammad-Nurhakimi-Masnor - Data Management

Nurhakimi Masnor

Pegawai Pengurusan Data
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