En Fazil Irwan Som, CEO of PHI visited NCIA to discuss on the potential collaboration between NCIA and PHI. The meeting also was attended by PHI’s officer. The meeting was chaired by Ybhg. Datin Shahdee Dato’ Ahmad, Director Human Capital & Secretariat and amongst topics discussed during the the meeting were:

  • The current development of the halal industry.
  • The potential collaboration between NCIA & PHI in providing capacity building programs and market access for Halal entrepreneurs in the northern market.
  • Potential collaboration between NCIA & PHI for the upcoming event Penang International Halal Expo & Conference 2023 (PIHEC).

En Fazil Irwan Som, CEO of PHI visited HDC to discuss on the potential collaboration between HDC and PHI. The meeting also was attended by PHI’s officer. The meeting was chaired by YBhg. En Hairol Ariffein Sahari, Chief Executive of HDC and amongst topics discussed during the meeting were:

  • The current development of the halal industry.
  • Potential synergy between HDC & PHI in empowering the Halal business sector in Malaysia.
  • Potential collaboration between HDC & PHI for the upcoming event Penang International Halal Expo & Conference 2023 (PIHEC).

Organized Selangor State Islamic Affairs, Consumer and Halal Industry Standing Committee, the event was held on 10 – 13 March 2023 in World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.  It is a key platform to showcase and promote Halal products and services. The convention covered six main clusters namely food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, Halal ingredients, personal care and beauty, tourism and hospitality, and modest fashion.

Seven companies participated under Penang State Pavilion to showcase their products:

  • Array Trading
  • Mama Global International Sdn Bhd
  • The Idea Box Solution
  • Al- Haddad Marketing Sdn Bhd
  • Koleksi Gemilang Enterprise
  • Diamond Cosmetics
  • Bertambest Sdn Bhd

Souq Ramadan 2023 was held from 23 March – 21 April 20233 during the Ramadan and give opportunity for entrepreneurs to promote and sell their products. The event was officiated by TYT Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi on 13 March at KOMTAR Walk. Categories of participation in Souq Ramadan:

  • Souq Ramadan @ Bazar – participated by 93 bazars
  • Souq Ramadan @ Hotel – participated by 4 hotels
  • Souq Ramadan @ Perabot – participated by 3 premises
  • Souq Ramadan @ Restaurant – participated by 5 restaurants
  • Souq Ramadan @ shopping mall – participated by 11 shopping malls

Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, the event was officiated by the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, YB Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu and accompanied by the Chief Minister, YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow.

In making the national food security agenda a success, the ministry will ensure that steps to rejuvenate the agricultural sector continue by encouraging the involvement of the youth, applying modern agricultural technology, and strengthening (research and development) agricultural R&D. The youth group is identified as the main group that is inclined or open to accept modern agricultural technology in line with IR4.0 (Industry Revolution 4.0)

PHI participated in Karnival Keusahawanan Pulau Pinang. The event was organized by Penang Development Corporation (PDC). Officiated by YB Dato’ Abdul Halim Hussain, the Chairman of PHI, the event was held to gather entrepreneurs from Penang from various industries to promote their products through product pitching and networking sessions, bringing together various government agencies and Halal entrepreneurs in Penang.

The PHI Chairman, the CEO of PHI, together with PHI staff and the Halal Management Division of JHEAIPP led by Ustazah Norliza, visited JAKIM to discuss on the potential collaboration between JAKIM and PHI. The meeting was chaired by YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Sirajuddin bin Suhaimee, Deputy Director General (Policy) of JAKIM and Director of Sekretariat Majlis Halal Malaysia, Tuan Haji Marzuki Hassan.

Among the topics discussed during the meeting were the current development of the halal industry, the role of JAKIM and PHI, and the potential collaboration between JAKIM and PHI, specifically in exploring PHI as JAKIM’s Strategic Partner for halal training and certification for the state of Penang and internationally.

THE inaugural Penang International Halal Food & Heritage Festival (PIH2F) received a huge crowd at the Esplanade yesterday evening (Dec 17).
Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who was the guest of honour, said the halal sector is growing steadily in Penang.

“We thank the halal division of the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (JHEAIPP) and the Penang Halal International (PHI) for this achievement.

Read more at https://www.buletinmutiara.com/penang-aims-to-become-a-leading-halal-hub/

CEO of PHI, En. Fazil Irwan Som was invited to contribute his thoughts on the perspectives on the enormous potential of the global halal industry, the export opportunity for Philippines in the Halal sector, and the country’s participation at the Penang International Halal Expo & Conference (PIHEC) 2023.

KUALA LUMPUR: Penganjuran Persidangan Halal Antarabangsa Pulau Pinang (PIHEC) 2022 di Pulau Pinang yang akan berlangsung pada 1 sehingga 3 Julai ini akan membawa satu sudut pandang sektor halal yang baharu.

Ia bakal memfokuskan kepada penyelarasan perniagaan pada peringkat global pasca pandemik dan juga kelebihan kepada perbandingan industri halal di peringkat Asia Tenggara.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Penang Halal International, Fazil Irwan Som berkata, persidangan itu adalah usaha bagi memperkenalkan mesej baharu mengenai produk dan perkhidmatan halal.

“PIHEC 2022 adalah satu usaha untuk mempromosikan mesej baharu halal, bukan sahaja menjadikan halal sebagai satu jenama bagi perniagaan malah menjadikan ia satu nilai yang baik untuk dikongsikan secara bersama,” katanya dalam kenyataan.

Beliau berkata seperti pengalaman lalu, fokus peserta ialah dari negara Asia Tenggara tetapi ada juga penyertaan dari jauh seperti Sepanyol.

Sementara itu, Exco Perdagangan, Industri, dan Pembangunan Usahawan Pulau Pinang, Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain, berkata negeri Pulau Pinang adalah lokasi yang sesuai untuk menjadi Hab Halal dan laluan pintu masuk bukan sekadar di wilayah utara Malaysia namun juga sebagai satu tempat tumpuan pusat rantaian bekalan halal di Asia Tenggara.

Abdul Halim malam tadi menyempurnakan prapelancaran kepada PIHEC 2022 yang mana selepas ini pasukan mereka akan giat melakukan promosi penawaran kiosk expo dan penyertaan.

Penang Halal International (PHI) chief executive officer Fazil Irwan Som (right) said the event aimed at promoting halal brands for business survival post-pandemic. -NSTP/ASWADI ALIAS

KUALA LUMPUR: Penang Halal International (PHI) will be organising the Penang International Halal Expo and Conference 2022 (PIHEC2022) from July 1 to 3 this year.

The annual event, which was put on hold the last two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic would be themed “Building Resilience and Sustainability Towards Stronger Growth”.

PHI chief executive officer Fazil Irwan Som said the event aimed at promoting halal brands for business survival post-pandemic.

“This year’s expo and conference will be focusing on the halal supply chain within Asean countries.